Monday, March 1, 2010

Build up into it hmmmm.

It has been a nice time of relaxing and just plain having fun.
That also ended 3 weeks ago also. Just 3 months of fun and now a build up, awe (excuse) screw that. The first week was a 40 mile week then a 36 mile week with 50 miles on the trainer. This morning thought to get a 10 miler in today but life and wife plus a couple of skunks on the trail didn't work to that favor. Had The time for a 5 miler in 49:10 which sucks as I tried to get the legs warmed an loose. That never happened till mile 4.5. I'm just waiting for the warming starting tomorrow should be in the 60's.
Of the 2 goals I can mention there are 2 races that need to be done a 100K in July and a 100 miler in October. That's all that needs to be done, can be done an will be with only one reason why they will not. Notice I didn't say c 't. There is no quitting or cutting it short. Can you say DI for a pacer!

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