Sunday, June 29, 2008

The weekend home alone

I just didn't feel to motivated to get going with them gone to the reunion. I had to still get up to work. Friday I went biking about a 16 mile ride quite nice w/ no Ipod and picked up some coke and power aide caps on the way and just and just lazy'd around. I got home on Saturday and fell asleep for a while. I didn't think it was that bad of a day to have to do that. Because it has been raining since early morning. Well I did get going enough for a 20 mile ride around the town and then to andover (not capitalized on purpose) from Augusta. Had not done that in awhile and along the way was chased down by a dog. Beautiful evening for a ride.

Almost there I went on the right of the barricades for construction and had to hold It straight for a mile on a 2 ft stretch that was 2 ft down past that along the road. Though when I got to andover I saw a pig and told him about the dog and how that said dog would be dead if it nip me or bit me. I know you think that is mean but I guarantee that would happen to mine if they did that. It is usually the sentence. He said he'd get someone notified. Trust in them I think not they were there again the dogs.

Sunday worked and just got home for 5 min and they showed up and she was in a rant. Nervous about the operation and having a scrimmage for the daughters softball team in an hour. It was not pretty. Well no running and just trying to be there for the family we went out it seemed like for her the last meal.(I believe she was thinking) Becca and I didn't quite get it a the store we for got the grapes. The world was coming to an end. I had also just got done getting on the daughter for being a little ruff with the grapes and the sack er from a 1 1/2 ft dropped the in the sack I WAS PISSED AND WENT OFF ON HER. Then called the manager of Dillons. She was apologetic. To make it quick got home then straight to scrimmage were the 10 and under state quaified team made them look pathetic.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Is it or is it not!

Well what is the answer that the Dr. gave on opinion of weather not not is was cancer. It was a long and grueling wait to here. She had not been in a good mood all week and not sleeping to well and when she does not I do not. After a long wait for the doctors call it was no. It still won't be over till the surgery though which is Monday.It still needs to come out.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

My short distance running partners

Always glad to help on the short distance speed workouts!

I made my 1st Marathon

I made my first marathon the day before Fathers day! I was feeling good and had time for a long run. I didn't think for that long though starting out for just a 20 miler I I though about what the wife said (why do you want to do that race when you haven't even done a regular marathon and why are you setting yourself up for failure) and I thought I had the time and even if I didn't why not. I had 2 power aide bottles of ice and it was 91'deg and she was not going to take it away from me this time because I had no phone and she was not going to go out and find me. So I kept going. The only sad part is no one even saw the 26.2 except for 2 guys out at the north end of the lake that thought stupid or just plain crazy for doing it in the heat or just running at all. It all took 5:00:23 but I finished from 4:30 to 9:30 at night is what it took.
I did it! Now she could a kite! Now will I still be ready and able to keep the momentum even after a few so called discussions we have. I'm thnking now that I was on the money and a good thing that I had ran the 26.2. As you'll see why in the buckeye outdoors calander of runs.

Will it happen. Will it be the big C or not!

Well little running going this week with the wifes biopsy and surgery coming monday. We still hae not found out if it's the thing you don't want to talk about either not to jinx it. Just daughters softball games and makeup games and wifes biop and surgery coming up family reunion the time goes by very fast then its to late. Next week will be about the same with all the rain games that are being made up and sugery it will be a pretty tough week to. Begining to question the possibility of the big race.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Addicted and Running funny

Still running the challenges from runnerplus and they'll probably be the end of me. Cannot quit them. Then knee almost went running the grsass and ditchlines you have to watch where the hell your going. I went down and then had to take 5 days off and had to take being the second loser in line which would be 3rd place. Plus a little my fault to I could have been running but a little need of erratating someone and kind of saying the hell with it. Then I thought what the heck I'm I doing I'm only going to get this one chance most likly for this. Especially just to prove her wrong.
You know that very great question for the 50 mile trail run (why are you setting yourself up for failure?). You know I'm going to make it one way or another! So I'm at it hard again. Won some adidas response 16's though the mountain dew's promo oldschoolornew. Getting it togather one piece at a time. Ran in them last night and man I have to waite to train in them not to use them up before then. Failure is not a option!!!! Last night my daughter and I with the waterballoons I was running out and sprinting is not an option. The legs would just not go and I got at least a couple glasses of water. Just felt like dead legs and it does take me about 1 or 2 miles to really get going along with the 3 inner toes still getting numb on the left foot. No doctor's though till after the race though I'm not taking any chances. At least till then.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Training for the 50 and long time from posting

It got a little warmer and I started running outside. It was great to get away from the treadmill. I will never say get on that thing again unless your walking. I had bumped up the mileage from 3/5/8 to 6/8/10 and a longer one on the weekend 15 to 20. Though it was longer than should have been. It was at a slower pace and was doing fairly well in handling it. I got just a little stiff just chalking that up to a few years.

I had handled everything then the second 20 miler learned a little about foot care with the 2ND toe looking like it was smashed. After the fact I seen the article on keeping them trimmed and somewhat filed to keep them from catching on socks.

It's now allot easier to go further. Running pretty much more than I should trying to get used to a higher stress level.From a podcast hearing about and getting into a few challenges you just can't get away. I'm just to competitive. For some other reason I am also still feeling that knee that could just go at any time it feels like.