Tuesday, March 27, 2007

1st real bike / run

It was a great day not to warm not to cool 65/70 just a little cloudy with some sprinkles mixed in. The bike started just a little late 7 to 8 p.m. because we had one small celebration to do. Becca thought she would try it again with her friend. She wants to try to get her interested. Well see if that happens though. We went up the middle of Augusta (state st.) and by the south end of the lake. Then east and up though the new additions. Just to get out and ride it was great. Becca is learning the gears and able to put energy peddeling to better use. Becca loved this ride being out of all traffic, quiet and the added bonus of a big giant rainbow and it was sweet and the time I didn't bring the camera. LESSON LEARNED FOR ME. Becca's lesson was being held up again. All the way to the very northeast edge of Augusta on woodland started the back half going south and through town we had an hour to ride and got at least 7.5 in in 45 min. Our tag a long was not tagging along to well on the last quater. We cannot complain any ride is a good one. Now for Wichita, Ks we just need a kids Tri to work for.

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