Saturday, July 31, 2010

The lunartrek 100k report

It was a awesome race in Scandia, Ks on July 23. I took off with a friend that I conned into doing it because he's done the runs last year and up to now to do it. I left at 12 to get there a little after 4 to check out the course to see what I looking at and OMG. The course was going to be a challenge the north south parts would be flat or small mole hill types. Though the east and west were going to be the test for the 100k people. I got there and we had 8 people registered for the 100k. That is all we would get for runners for that race. Still I new 4 of the other 8 in the race which was pretty nice. I knew I could pull off 4th or 5th from knowing the other people and talking to the others. It came to be 9 pm an when you think you have everything you can bet you forgot something. Like the garmin that you fretted about and had to call tech support about and the tylonal you just had to go buy before that store closed and there's no time to go get them. There was the word go and just as expected everyone took off on a jog. Around the school and down the street there were 4 that took off. I thought it was way to early for that and kept at a slow steady speed with no need to get in a rush there were 61 more miles to go.
4 of them took off and were not to be seen. I an 3 others had run together for about 10 miles an one pealed off an where he got his name nature break and a little later talking the one I was dialing back got the name speedy. Then Gary Henry of dropped back with the one we lost before, where he was not to be seen again either.
Now it is only I an Chris for the rest of the first an second loop. We did though catch one of the 4 that took off which we were 4rd and 5th. Little did we know we were 3rd and 4th. We found that one dropped on the 1st 20 miles. Then coming in on 40 we found one guy that just about DNF'd
ahead of us. But I told him to get up your running with us your not quitting on us. Were just finishing I just told him. This was just before daylight and made 40 miles in 7:45 how that was possible I never know. On the 3rd loop I thought we were going to be a rag tag team just getting to the finish line. We did very well though when at 1/3 of the way we realized we could possibly come in under 13 hrs. We pushed the pace as much as we could and the rolling aid station caught up with us 2 or 3 times. Then the last short straight away and a possible under 12:30 time we figured coming to were the last aid station was. Norman told me to take off because I could make the under 12:30 I said alright so it put me in second, Norman could have taken me but instead brought in Chris. Which all in the end I should have stayed back as they came in 2 minutes later under 12 an a half. There was breakfast after the shower at the school eggs ham watermelon an cantaloupe. It was great time an nice to be able to finish a 100k and get a pr of 12:21. Would do it again a small nice race almost in the middle of nowhere supporting the Pike valley X-country team.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

One day till the 100K

Well one day left an I'd say it's very iffy on the finish. At start the temp should be in 80's at 9pm then go to the mid seventies during the night then going back to the high eighties on Saturday. Rain chances are not very good Friday evening into the night but get better as the day progresses on Saturday.
Well this race in Scandia I found while running heartland 50 mile when helping the RD set up for the 100 mile glow sticks. As far as I can see it's a very small town with abundant rolling country roads and a little bit of running along I believe the republican river at night. All for the purpose of supporting the pike valley HS cross country team. Well here I go again.

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Sunday, July 4, 2010


This recovery week that just past after a week of 10's or more an then the 5 hour run. The last week I had the same week of 4 10's the a 2.5 hr then a 2 hr run which was pretty good for the mind strenghing where it was hot again. To get drained on Saturday and come back for it again on Sunday and finsh off what I needed to get done felt good.

Now unfortunately a couple or 3 weeks later I've done 4 marathons in the last 5 Saturdays. Making it a rest day on fathers day. To recoupe I am and then was feeling pretty good about the progress I'm making going out in the heat of the day getting 12's done. The ankle hasn't bothered me much till last nite. It still didn't stop a good 12 in 2 hrs. Starting off in 100 deg and ending in 96 deg it was a good run.

Then I just kept falling asleep at my desk at home an waking up at 3 in the morning .

Traimg 4 total marathons. 1 X 70 mile week with the race now 20 days away. One last week to do somthing might not have done yet. I think one good strength week left or  a night run.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

The good the bad an I really don't know!

Will I be ready I really don't know that 100k is coming up quick and since the dog that leg has not been up to par. Everytime it seems going well it goes into some relaps. So I've just been taking it slow and just getting the miles I need and not the times I want with not pushing more than needed. With that said it has not been all rosie because there has been quite a bit of pain with what I believe was and is a stress fracture. I would sure just wish for the days of the slight pain from the achillies in the heal anymore. As of last week I am still on schedule for the mileage for the training period of 45 miles for the week but no speed to think of or ability to go very much further because of pain not stamina.

On the good side it does seem to be getting better thur- sun will be a big test as it is a very and cannot be stressed enough very big wkend. It is a 10, 10, 5hr an 2hr runs to end off the week. I so hope to be able to pull this off ad it is all in the mind. Everything os possible you just have to believe it. Just the 3 hills I train on.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

To test that leg.

Another failed attempt to test the stress fracture 2 days in a row. Severe storms an tornados just not a good mix. Should be decent tomorrow. To run the country in that solitude again. Got to try those hills again because I sure do miss them its been about 2 weeks.